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April 26th, 2001 - 7:49 a.m.

Last night, I went over to Dad's house & had mushrooms with him & Uncle Russ.

They got their first Turkey of the season & found quite a few mushrooms - so they were tickled pink.

(I just realized how much of a hillbilly that makes me sound like!)

Talking to Unkie Russ brought me back to being little again.

To playing with his kids (One of which just got married and had a baby & the other of which is getting married in November!) in his back room, being awed by his 'arrowhead' collection, and so on.

And, it made me remember about my GrammieKate.

GrammieKate died when I was little.

She made the most kick-ass chicken and noodles, and the most amazing black raspberry pies.

GrammieKate used to listen to Perry Como on Christmas.

She had a 'woodshop' out back - that always choked me with sawdust smell.

She had a HUGE black raspberry patch, and an apricot tree.

She had an attic full of great things for little girls to play dress-up in.

She used to sit out back in the yard under a big shade tree and husk corn, or snap green beans.

She used to tend to my Diddi and his brothers - AND cook their quail when they came in from hunting.

She had a little bedroom with a steel-frame bed with some very nifty little sheets with embroidery on them. And, a HUGE button collection in a cookie tin.

I may have been young - but I remember what that house looks like to this day...even though she's gone.

I have her name, as my middle name - Kathryn.

I still miss you, GrammieKate. I wish I could have known you now. And, would you mind looking over daddy? I'm worried about him.





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