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December 28, 2002 - 11:56 am

Well, we made it.

Despite the six inches of snow that we got on Christmas Eve, we made it to Mom's house for Christmas day. Whew.

LittleH got more things than I have room for in this house, and from what I understand is going to be getting more. Good lord. His big debut was a big hit - he was SUCH a little flirt. He managed to sleep pretty much through his first Christmas, but has really enjoyed all the little books he's gotten! We've been reading "Goodnight moon" and "Guess how much I love you" and "Green Eggs and Ham" over and over again. He loves them!

Christmas was hard. I mean, really hard. It was okay until everything was over. I was so busy with family and presents and maintaining with LittleH that I had little time to think about Dad. But, once it was over....all hell broke loose.

All the way home, I cried. All 5 hours of our trip. Geesh. It's just so damn sad knowing that I'm never going to see my Diddi again. I mean, how the heck is that possible? My big, strong Dad....gone, forever. Damn.

It's beautiful here today. The sun is shining big, tall shadows from the woods across the white snow. I'm just glad I don't have to be out in it. Ick.

Hope you all had great holidays!




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