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January 4th, 2001 - 1:36pm

A thought just occured to me.

I'm going to be in Belize, Central America, in about 25 days. Woah. I'm psyched.

And, instead of priming my bod for the imminent bathing suit ordeal, I am sitting here eating heart-shaped Dove chocolates. Yeay me!

Last night we had a bunch of builders come up to The House, and try to figure out how to get us out of the mess that we've gotten ourselves into with GodIsMyCoPilot. None of them really impressed the shit out of me, but you'll have that. I just want it DONE! Agk!

There is someone showing up in my logs in a daily basis. Someone is coming here & reading daily. That makes me giggle. Puhleeeease write me a lil somethin' somehtin' in the guestbook, won't you?

What's the deal with Google searches and diaryland, anyways? She has all kinds of wierdos findind her site through it. She rocks. ::Grins::

I'm pretty lame today. My apologies.




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