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December 18, 2002 - 9:56 am

Uhm, I'm not usually a wierdo or anything, so....yeah...take this for what it is (or, isn't?).

The other night we were putting up our Christmas tree. Several odd things happened, like the lights at the top lighting themselves after our mentioning that they weren't working, or the TV turning on by itself as I went to go pick up the remote. I brushed them off as coincidence, until I took these photos. The first is as plain as several others that I took before (and after) it with my digital camera (no film to get messed up). The second,'s different. What do you make of it? (Besides that the size of my hind-end takes up a bit too much of this photo!)

I think Dad was around laughing at us trying to get that huge tree up and into our house. Hell, I was laughing because Hubby got a little carried away with the size of the tree this year. Hmmm.

Hope everyone's feeling jolly. I've almost got my shopping I'm getting more and more into Christmas as time goes by. I always dread it until the shopping is done...then I just love it.

Gotta run, The Barracuda beckons.




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